Practicing Drums…without a drum kit

Drums are a big instrument, a loud instrument and also the most important instrument in a band (says the drummer!)

It is not always possible to play on our drums at any given time and for some people its not possible to have a drum kit in their own…but that should not stop us from drumming!

Below are 3 ways to practice your drumming, without a drum kit. Whether you are just starting or have been playing drums for many years.

Number 1

A practice pad allows you to practice your hand technique, timing and coordination. It is a vital part of any drummers tool kit and and is an important part in your development as a drummer. You can use your practice pad to play both rudiments and even your drum beats. Just use your imagination and kick the floor to replicate your kick drum

Number 2

Get creative and create a drum kit out of pillows or even add pillows to go with your practice pad. This will help you replicate the other parts of the drum kit. Playing on pillows is also a great challenge because there is no rebound, meaning that things will feel easier and smoother when you get back on the drum kit.

Number 3

Actively listening to music is such a vital part of any musicians development. If you know a song well enough to sing along, and know where the changes are, you will be able to apply this knowledge when playing along on the drums. So if you have a performance coming up, spend time listening to the songs you will be performing, it really does go along way towards growing your confidence when you get up on stage.

Written by Nick Douch


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