Meet jeremiah fale

What is your first music memory? 

Some of my earliest music memories come from sitting in Church. Hearing the band play on Sunday mornings.

When did you first learn an instrument? 

I started learning an instrument at the age of 8 where I learnt guitar and vocals.

What drove you to practice and play when you first started out?

The thing that drove me to practice was watching music videos on an old channel called C4. I loved watching artists sing and I knew that's what I wanted to do

Are you still excited about developing your craft? 

Yes I'm very much excited about developing my craft and there's always something to learn which is why I find music exciting.

When did you first start teaching?

I first started teaching early last year at Transformation Academy where I helped to teach students who don't quite fit within the traditional education curriculum. Having honed my skills in teaching I'm glad to bring my talents to Eliette’s.

What is your advice for people learning music?

My biggest piece of advice I can give is to be teachable and open to learning


Meet Benjamin Walker


The Green Room Update